This was a fun snack we made for a football game toward the end of the season. Speaking of the season, gut.wrenching.finish. I had to remind myself it's just a game and my favorite team will be back next year with more motivation. Roll Tide! #Greatseasonanyway
On to the food. This is a recipe you can easily make your own with whatever you have on hand. I started with a basic pizza dough. This one is homemade from a Pioneer Woman recipe, but you could use store bought too.
I rolled it out to a nice rectangular-ish shape.
Browned some meat with Italian spices.
Sprinkled on some cheese.
Then rolled the whole thing up nice and tight (it's a little messy, but that's okay)
Then we sliced it into pieces about 1-1.5 inches thick and placed in a squared baking pan. We popped it in the oven and baked according to dough directions until golden brown. I don't think I have any photos of the cooked product. I might have taken one on the hubby's phone but I don't have it on hand. Take my word for it though, they were a big hit, delicious and so easy!