Wednesday, April 26, 2017

What's Up Wednesday 4/26/17

It's time for What's Up Wednesday with Mix and Match MamaThe Larson Lingo and Sheaffer Told Me To.

1. What we’re eating this week
A couple of evenings I have a board meeting with dinner and dinner with friends. Other than that, I'm thinking we'll have
probably along with some chicken or may the meatballs above.

Chicken and kale pasta (I have kale to use!)

2. What I’m reminiscing about
Trips to Disney World. It's getting close to summer. I'm getting emails from Disney trying to get me to buy passes again. Other people are blogging about it. One of our siblings just went. I even added my own blog of tips. I have vacation on the brain and Disney in particular at the moment. Although I'm also thinking a lot about wanting to go to Europe. Apparently I really need a vacation!

3. What I’m loving
The fresh fruits and veggies that come with spring and summer time. I want to start my own garden this year but I'm a little intimidated! Any helpful hints and tips for beginners are appreciated greatly!

4. What we’ve been up to
Working on the land. Thinking about house plans. 
Me working hard while hubby was cutting under growth 😊
Starting back on my ottoman project, keeping up with the usual work and life routine. I've also been trying to ramp back up on my workouts (especially getting back in the habit of running regularly) but I still have to do my workouts on the go many days. 

5. What I’m dreading
Nothing at the moment

6. What I’m working on
Ottoman rescue. You can see how it started and my updates here and here. Land clearing. House planning and the usual work, family, church activities. 

7. What I’m excited about
Planning some trips and taking much needed time off. 
Finishing my ottoman project. I'm giddy to be working on it again. 
The progress we've made on clearing our land. 

8. What I’m watching/reading
Nothing in particular.

9. What I'm listening to
At the moment I'm listening to birds and other noises in the woods as well as the sound of the brush cutter. But I'm writing this Saturday so by the time Wednesday comes around I'll be listening to worship music in my office probably. 

10. What I'm wearing
More shorts since we've had a bit of a heat wave. Same ole thing to work. And I'm loving my Waco t-shirt a sweet friend brought back for me after visiting Magnolia Market. It is SO soft and comfy.

11. What I'm doing this weekend.
Watching my niece in her tennis matches probably. A church picnic and some family time 

12. What I'm looking forward to next month
Memorial Day. LOTS of birthdays (I can think of 5 off the top of my head - all close family) 

13. What else is new
Nothing really

Bonus Question: What's your favorite spring/summer shoe
My TEVA Olowahu sandals (or would you call them flip flops still?) They are super comfy, not super expensive and they stay on a little more securely than regular flip flops while still being super easy to slip into and out of like a regular flip flop. I have them in brown and a fun purple and black print that I don't think they make anymore. I've had mine for several years and they are still good!
Image result for teva olowahu brown

That's my favorite shoe. Looking forward to reading other suggestions from everyone else!

Monday, April 24, 2017

Easy Mexican Dinner

This was an easy meal to throw together.

I don't really think you can call it a recipe. Just a simple solution to a busy weeknight when you don't have much time to cook dinner and you're too tired to put much thought into it.

I started with a couple of chicken breasts and threw them in a pot to boil. Then I took my awesome pampered chef scissors which were a gift from my in laws and chopped it up right in the pot after draining.
Then I added a little water plus these seasonings to taste.
Garlic powder
Chili powder
Minced onion

I gave it a good stir and let it simmer. Then we ate it with chips, tortillas and fixings like sour cream, salsa and cheese. We also had black beans and veggies.

At this point you could do any number of things with it. You could make baked tacos, Mexican casseroles, nachos, or any other Mexican flavored dish your heart desires.

This night we just wanted quick and simple and this with chips and sides was the perfect solution. Enjoy!

Saturday, April 22, 2017

Ottoman Update #2

Well I am hanging my head in shame that it has taken this long to get back to this project.

I picked out the fabric I wanted a while back but I kept putting off buying it. Since it was not a necessity but more of a side project I had a hard time each week convincing myself it was ok to buy it. It wasn't very expensive but still.

So finally the other day I ordered it. Now I have that and the foam and I'm ready to move forward again.

I'm very excited to see how it turns out.

I'll hopefully have a finished product to update on soon!

Monday, April 17, 2017

Walt Disney World Travel Tips

Today I was inspired by the Vacations Unpacked posts by Shay and Erika over at Mix and Match Mama and A Little Bit of Everything. Particularly Erika's post about Disney World. So I'm sharing my own travel tips about trips to Disney World. I LOVE to travel and WDW has become a favorite destination in the last few years.

Now I'm not one of those people that have gone to Disney World over and over again my whole life. My parents took me when I was a baby (running from a hurricane that drove us from the beach), I went around the age of 6 and we went back for a one day trip when I was around 13. That last one was in July. First tip: DO NOT go to Disney World in July! Ever. Just don't do it. It's hot. It's crowded.  And it's just not the best time to go. Also, I don't recommend going for just one day.

So, I didn't go back for many, many years after that one day July trip as a teenager. My sister and her family went when my niece was very young and got annual passes. She is also friends with several Disney "experts". She learned a lot about doing Disney World right very quickly.

We passed on the first round of annual passes even though they kept trying to convince us to go and telling us that we would love it and it was awesome, but I was not convinced. We finally decided to go the next time they planned a trip a few years later. It was the first time my entire family had gone anywhere together in years and we'd added my husband and niece to the fold since the last time we'd vacationed all together.

By the end of the trip I was convinced and we upgraded our tickets to annual passes along with the rest of the family. During that year we went a total of four times, and had it not been such a long drive we would have gone more.

We got to experience the Christmas season twice, the Food and Wine Festival (our favorite) and early summer time.

So during all that travel we learned a lot about how to get the most out of a Disney vacation and here are a just few of my tips.

This one is actually a tip for travel in general. Make a packing list. I keep several packing lists so that whenever we have a trip coming up I just pull the appropriate one up and modify as needed. It takes so much of the stress of packing off and also helps me to not forget anything important.

I have a beach packing list, a cold weather one, a specific one for Disney World and it's even broken into cold and warm weather for Disney and one modified for flying vs driving which we did on one of the shorter trips. I'll keep it to the basics for this post, but trust me I get really specific on these things. If I'm taking it, it's on the list.

Appropriate clothes. So the main differences in the summer and winter time WDW lists are for winter I take layers, for summer it is pretty much just going to be hot so there is no real need for layers beyond a light jacket or a long sleeve shirt for cold indoor places or a freak chilly night.

Winter can be much trickier. We've been in December when we wore shorts and short sleeves the enter time and we've been when it was 40 degrees out and we had on layers, fleece pullovers, scarves, hats and gloves at night. That was usually after wearing jeans and short sleeves during the day. There were some interesting temperature swings. So for winter, be prepared with some layers. Most importantly, no matter the season, check the weather forecast before you go and make sure you take the right kind of clothes.

My biggest tip for WDW travel is to research and plan ahead of time. This makes all.the.difference. You can search online to find blogs that have everything from food recommendations to crowd calendars to ride and attraction info. I have heard from so many people who went and just wanted to play it by ear. While that sounds like it's more relaxing than planning everything out. Trust me, it's not.

Have at least a general framework plan like what day you're visiting which park and which rides you need fast passes for, plus make any special dining or event registrations well ahead of time. Like as soon as they open them up for reservations. These book up way in advance at some places and you'll be glad you thought ahead. You can always cancel or change most of them as your trip gets closer if you change your mind, but you may not be able to find a space if you wait too late.

Magic Bands I highly recommend getting these if you're going to be there more than a few days. They make things so much quicker and easier and there is no keeping up with cards. Plus they are a fun fashion accessory and souvenir. If you don't know what they are, check them out. They are your ticket to get into the parks and your fast pass tickets are kept on there too.

Speaking of Fast Passes. These are awesome. Check out the blogs out there on WDW and you can also what rides you better have a fast pass for if you don't want to spend your whole day in line. (We plan all of our trips using the crowd calendars.) They make a huge difference in your experience. Plus once you use all your pre-booked fast passes for the day you can visit the kiosks around the park and make more depending on what's available.
Comfortable shoes. These are a must have. I'm all for looking cute, but at WDW I quickly learned that no one is going to be studying my shoe choice so I can look cute from the ankles up and wear my comfy walking or running shoes and it will be just fine.

Sunblock, Sunglasses and a Hat/Visor. You will be so glad that you have these no matter what time of year it is.

Swimsuit and pool shoes. Because you don't want to be running all the way from your room to the resort pool in your walking shoes, but you don't want to go barefoot either. You will most likely want a break from the theme parks and hit up the pool at some point so don't forget about swimsuits and pool gear.

A poncho or other easy to carry rain gear. No one wants it to rain, but we've been there during some pretty good rain storms and still had a great time with our ponchos and umbrellas keeping us (mostly) dry. It's a great time to check out the indoor attractions.

Phone and camera chargers (if your phone isn't also your primary camera). You will most likely be in the parks all day and using your phone a lot. It is not easy to run back to the car or hotel and get something so bring a charger of some type with you. You don't want your phone or camera to die mid way through the fun.

Snacks and drinks. This is one of the things that both surprised and delighted me about WDW. They let you bring in your own food and drink. You can save a lot of money by bringing in either a refillable water bottle or your own cooler/backpack. We used a soft sided cooler that went down inside my husband's backpack. My niece was still young enough that we had a stroller with us that the whole family used to stow items like this so that was helpful, but we've also been just the two of us and he's carried the backpack with a few waters and some light snacks. We usually just go ahead and plan to buy food there and bring only snacks, but you could totally pack a picnic lunch if you wanted to.

Hand sanitizer and wet ones or baby wipes. There are a lot of people there. Need I say more?

A change of clothes/shoes. This will be different for some people, but if you have small kiddos I'd say take them some clothes. Something easy to pack in your day bag. Also, if you are going to be hitting up the water rides, you might want a change for yourself, or at least some dry shoes. If you have some water proof shoes you might just want to wear those on the water ride days. You can always throw a cheap pair of flip flops in your bag and just use them on those rides too.

Cross body bag This for me is a must have. I don't want to carry a huge backpack or a normal purse. I can put one of these on, put my essential items in like credit card, ID, money, phone, lip balm, etc. and it can go with me on any ride and stay securely around my body at all times. I pretty much don't take it off the entire time. I sit to eat and it stays on and out of the way. I go on a ride and it stays on and secure. You don't want to get up and leave a restaurant or get off a ride and realize you left your bag behind. This has happened to a friend and it was no fun. Of course part of the reason I get to just carry this is my wonderful, strong husband carries the backpack with everything else. We do take turns with it but the majority of the time it's him carrying it.

A good comfortable backpack as mentioned above. Having a good one that is comfortable to carry is huge if you're walking around with it all day. This is where we keep drinks, snacks, jackets, extra clothes and any souvenirs we pick up along the way. We try to keep it light but some days it is a must have to make the most of the day in the park.

Zipper bags and laundry or trash bags. These come in handy for dirty clothes in the hotel, wet items from the park, the smaller zipper bags can be used for carrying small amounts of snacks inside the parks, etc. They are just always good to have on a trip.

Well, now that I've written a book and have just barely scratched the surface, I think I'll stop for the day. I have so many tips and tricks for travel I don't realize how many until I start writing them down. Most of these tips are geared for adults since that is what I pack for on our trips but they are applicable to any age.

I love to hear others tips too so let me know what you take when you travel. I need to go plan a vacation now! :)

Friday, April 14, 2017

Thankful Friday 4/14/17

So I had an idea a while back to post a sort of online gratitude journal on Friday when I can. Instead of just being thankful it's Friday, I thought it would be nice to list a few things I'm thankful for from the week (or in this case recent weeks).

Then I can look back later and see the little things I'm thankful for right now and see how good God is to me all the time.

I started to call the post TGIF, but then changed my mind to Thankful Friday. Then I thought, Thankful Thursday would sound a lot better. So next time this happens it might not be Friday at all. But hey, either way I'm thankful!

So this week I'm thankful for:

1. Job opportunities. Even though nothing has come from them yet and they may not go anywhere, I'm thankful for the opportunity to explore other options and expand my thinking a little bit.

2. I'm thankful that my niece thinks I'm cool and likes to text me.

3. I'm thankful that my husband was not injured more seriously in a little mishap and a few stitches later was on his way.

4. I'm thankful for spring and beautiful weather.

5. I'm thankful to live out in the country and have peace and quiet after the busy work days in the city.

5. I'm thankful for my family and getting to celebrate holidays with them. Happy Easter!

Thursday, April 13, 2017

Workouts on the go

As a kid I went swimming all summer long, ran around outside, did cartwheels and back flips through the house (much to my mother's dismay) and generally never really sat still. Keeping healthy and exercising has been an important part of my life for about as long as I can remember.

I went through a couple of phases where my activity went down and my weight went up through the years. Once right after my grandparents sold the house with the pool (probably not a coincidence) and once in college.

Both times I made some lifestyle changes and felt so much better when I did. Neither time was I really trying to lose weight, I just wanted to be healthier, more active, feel better and make better food choices. Everything else followed over time. It didn't happen overnight but it happened.

Fast forward a few years and I was running and/or hitting the gym usually 5-6 days a week and often twice a day. It was a large part of my social life as well as just the lifestyle I had made a habit. My routine included distance running, Pilates, yoga, resistance training, spin classes and a variety of other things.

Fast forward a few more years, several job changes, getting married, four house moves. I am no longer a gym member for various reasons, most of my running friends don't run anymore, and life always seems to have more to do than it used to.

So even though I miss the level of fitness I used to have and hope to get back a little closer to it one of these days, I've found ways to adapt and make sure I'm getting some exercise during those busy days and weeks when it almost seems impossible. I know how important it is for my health and happiness so I have become quite creative in figuring out ways to make it happen.

Now my exercise physiology trained background does shake my head at the way it gets done sometimes and think "how have I come to this?" but my realistic self who has a lot of other stuff to get done is just happy to fit in something. Hey it's better than not doing anything!

So here are a few ideas for those who are too busy to hit the gym, or maybe the gym is just not your thing for other reasons like they're intimidating, expensive, inconvenient, whatever it may be. You don't have to go to the gym to be healthy, you just have to be determined to make it happen!
  • When you're home, intersperse exercises with cooking, housework or other household jobs.
For example I often insert exercises between housecleaning tasks. Wipe down the counter, do a set of squats. Clean the toilet then lunge to the next bathroom and do the same. It's a terribly exciting life I live. HA!

Some things like calf raises can easily be done while washing dishes or brushing your teeth. Other things like bicep curls require a little more planning. So...
  • Plan ahead to make it work
While I'm cleaning, cooking, paying bills or whatever else I might have to do when I get home from work, I'll often pull out a set a dumbbells and place them in the middle of the house. This way I can grab them as I walk from room to room or in between tasks and complete a set of bicep curls, triceps, shoulder presses, etc.

If I didn't plan to do this when I got started with whatever it is I'm doing I find I would just keep on doing the task at hand and by the time I'm done it's a lot harder to go get the weights and do the workout. I can convince myself to stop for a set here and there a lot easier if the weights are already nearby waiting on me.

It also makes it more interesting since keeping up with all my sets and reps occupies my mind while I'm scrubbing the toilets or sweeping the floors. Ha! If you'd rather not add that mental exercise you can grab a notepad and pen and keep up with your sets. I aim for 3 sets, usually 8-12 reps per exercise. If I don't have that kind of time though, I just do what I can. Which leads me to...
  • Don't judge yourself for not doing more.
Remember anything is better than nothing. Is it the best way to workout? No. Is it better than giving up, doing nothing to get exercise and eating a twinkie. YES! I don't even like twinkies, but you know what I mean.
  • It doesn't matter what you wear. (just as long as you are theerree - sorry couldn't help it)
I love the moment that I get home from work and can take off my yucky work clothes and put on something fresh. I throw on whatever the first workout clothes I come to are with no regard to whether or not they match. Sometimes they aren't even workout clothes, it might just be whatever is nearby. As long as it's comfortable and works for what I need to do that's all that matters. So don't worry, you don't have to spend a lot of time or money buying special clothes or figuring out what to wear. Just throw something on and get to work.

Here are some other tips. Nothing new or earth shaking, just good reminders.

  • Park a little further from the store and walk the extra distance
  • Take the stairs instead of the elevator
  • Go to the restroom a few floors away or at the other end of the office to get the extra steps or stairs
  • Keep moving around when you're on the phone instead of just sitting down. I'm often walking around and doing something while I'm on the phone. You can even do calf raises, lunges, squats, etc. if you can keep from breathing too heavily. :)
  • Find things you enjoy, you're more likely to do them. It might be dancing, a sport or just particular types of exercise. Whatever it is, have fun while you work out!
  • Only have a few minutes before the next thing you have to do? Take a 5-10 minute walk. Not only is it exercise, it's a good break for your mind. Relax a few minutes. 

I'm sure there are lots more tips, but I feel I have rambled long enough for today. Just remember, exercise doesn't have to fit in a nice little mold. Just get up and move! Do something and you'll feel so much better than doing nothing. Plus the more you do the more you want to do, so it's okay to start small, just start. I'd love to hear more ideas on how others keep active!

Also before I go, I saw this today which I loved because this is what we've called Thursday for years around here!

Wednesday, April 5, 2017

Mississippi mud cake

So every now and then you just have to do something like bake a cake on a random Monday night.

This was one of those weeks.

I'd been thinking of making some kind of Mississippi mud cake for at least a week because I had some items that needed to be used and that would make use of a lot of them.

Actually I started out thinking some kind of s'mores dessert but then changed directions.

I had a chocolate cake mix, eggs, marshmallows and cream cheese (along with graham crackers that ended up not being used here) hanging around on the edge of their best by dates. So Monday the hubby was working late and it seemed like a good time to bake.

The inspiration came from a mix and match mama recipe but I made several changes. Since we'd just had several birthday celebrations including cake I didn't really need this whole thing staying at the house, so I took some to my co-workers and they seemed to like it too.

Chocolate cake mix
1 box chocolate pudding mix
4 eggs
1/2 cup vegetable oil
1 1/4 cup water
1 cup chocolate chips
4 oz cream cheese
1 batch homemade marshmallow fluff (1 cup mini marshmallows and 1 tsp corn syrup)
Splash of vanilla
Powdered sugar

Mix together cake mix, pudding mix, eggs, oil and water until well blended. I usually mix mine 30 seconds on low and 2 minutes on medium.
Fold in chocolate chips. I flour them first to help prevent them sinking to the bottom. Also be sure not to over stir into batter.
Bake in a Bundt pan at 350 for 40-45 minutes until a toothpick inserted in center comes out clean.
To make frosting I softened half a brick of cream cheese and mixed with the homemade marshmallow fluff. Then I added a splash of vanilla and some powdered sugar to taste (probably a tablespoon or so) and mixed well. I actually ended up not frosting the cake because I didn't have room to keep it in the fridge. I just kept the frosting in there and pulled it out to top slices of cake as needed.

For marshmallow fluff. I melted 1 cup of mini marshmallows in a glass bowl set over simmering water (double broiler substitute). As they got melted and lumpy I stirred in 1 tsp corn syrup until smooth. Voila! Homemade marshmallow fluff.

Make this on a random week night or any time you're craving some chocolate. I think you'll like it!