Wednesday, March 29, 2017

What's Up Wednesday 3/29/17

Well March as usual has been a crazy busy month. I need a little fun break today so I'm jumping in on What's Up Wednesday with Mix and Match MamaThe Larson Lingo and Sheaffer Told Me To.

1. What we’re eating this week
Monday we had spaghetti and meatballs. Tuesday was a chicken and potato casserole with broccoli. Tonight will be chicken in some form and Thursday we eat out for a post-race committee meeting.

2. What I’m reminiscing about
College life. Working around a campus I see the young carefree students wondering about and today I found myself thinking back to a much simpler time. I wouldn't change a thing though really. I'm very thankful for my husband and the life we have together. That's way better than college even though it comes with a lot more responsibility!

3. What I’m loving
I always seem to answer the same thing to this. Being outside and enjoying the days when the weather is nice.

4. What we’ve been up to
Whew, what have we not been up to. March is the month for the 5K we help organize so it's a month full of planning, fundraising events, meetings and more meetings, set up, break down, work, multiple birthdays. You name it and I think we've done it this month.

5. What I’m dreading
Heat. We're back in the 80's again this week and I know it's just a taste of what's coming in the summer.

6. What I’m working on
Still working on house plans. I feel like maybe we're making some progress though. We at least have a good idea about where to build.

7. What I’m excited about
The weekend. Hopefully sleeping in for the first time in a while. Only a few more days.

8. What I’m watching/reading
Nothing new really. Fixer Upper is  still my main tv watching at the moment. Reading right now is just my daily Bible time.

9. What I’m listening to
A mix as usual. At the moment Casting Crowns "Just be Held" and Johnny Diaz "Breathe". Yes, it's been that kind of day...and week.

10. What I’m wearing
Short sleeves, no layers at the moment. It's in the 80's again you know.

11. What I’m doing this weekend
Three, yes three birthday celebrations. Although two are combined so that helps. Hopefully some rest and outdoor activities too.

12. What I’m looking forward to next month
Easter. Picnics. Bridal Shower. All sorts of fun things.

13. What else is new
Nothing much really. Unless you count the mini-war I've been having in our basement with mice. <sigh> I don't even want to talk about it.   

Bonus question: What is your favorite spring thing to wear? I think probably flip flops. It's nice to let the feet breathe again when the weather starts warming up.

Ok, so this was a quick but much needed break from reality. Happy "it's not quite Friday but we're getting closer every day" day!

Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Old Fashioned Pound Cake

I've been wanting to try this for a while.
It's an old recipe of my grandmother's that I've never made and my mom doesn't really remember making either. I don't even remember my grandmother making it honestly, but it was in the mix of handwritten and typed (on the old manual typewriters) recipes handed down from her.

I wasn't sure how it would turn out because it uses very different ingredients from what I'm used to but I finally just dove in and gave it a try.

I was actually pleasantly surprised by how well it did. It's definitely a pound cake texture and taste, very different from my usual go to bundt cakes. I think smaller portions are better with this one since it's very dense (and also not low calorie!) My favorite part was the top gets a nice crust which was yummy.

I forgot to take a photo until it had been cut into but you get the idea. I even used a very old tube pan which came from the hubby's mom and I have a feeling belonged to someone else's mother before that. Vintage. I was pleasantly surprised with how well the pan did too!

3 sticks butter
1 box confectioners sugar
6 eggs
1 tsp vanilla
1 box plain flour

Cream sugar and butter. Add in eggs and vanilla. Fill empty sugar box with flour, add to mix and beat well. Pour into tube pan and place in cold oven. Bake at 350 for 1 hr and 15 minutes.

There were not a lot of instructions with this recipe so here are other things I did.

I mixed the eggs in one or two at a time not all at once.
I sprayed the vintage tube pan I used with non stick baking spray before pouring in mixture. Actually the hubby did because he was ready for baking to be done so we could eat dinner. ☺
The mix was very, very thick so I had to use a spoon and spatula to get it from bowl to pan. I also had to spread it around the pan once it was in there to even it out.
When a knife came out clean I called it done. We let it cool on a wire rack on the counter for about 10 minutes then we turned it over onto a cake plate and I flipped it back so it was right side up.