I'm joining in again today for What's Up Wednesday with Mix and Match Mama, The Larson Lingo and Sheaffer Told Me To. It's been a while so I thought it was about time to make time for it again.
1. What we’re eating this week
Monday was a hamburger stew throw together meal. That probably sums up the meals for the week. Throw it together with whatever we have on hand. I sadly do not have a plan for this week. Hopefully one will come to me. :)
2. What I’m reminiscing about
The long weekend I just had. The hubby and I took off Friday to do some hiking and exploring on our land and try to get closer to deciding where to build. I'd much rather be back out in the woods than at a desk.
The long weekend I just had. The hubby and I took off Friday to do some hiking and exploring on our land and try to get closer to deciding where to build. I'd much rather be back out in the woods than at a desk.
3. What I’m loving
Nicer weather and being outside! We've had some beautiful days here the last week or so with temperatures just right and no rain. I'm ready for spring!
Nicer weather and being outside! We've had some beautiful days here the last week or so with temperatures just right and no rain. I'm ready for spring!
4. What we’ve been up to
We did some hiking which was wonderful, several birthday celebrations this month, we've eaten way too much food, took a day trip a few hours north to visit a yummy bakery and some architectural salvage stores. Now we're just back to the regular schedule of the work week. Boo!
5. What I’m dreading
Nothing too much at the moment.
Nothing too much at the moment.
6. What I’m working on
We're working on designing a house plan. I think I have looked through thousands at this point and some days I feel like I don't know if I'm coming or going and which end of the house is up. We're going to get just the right one though. There has been much prayer over this and I know it is going to happen! I just have to keep reminding myself of that when I feel like we'll never figure it out.7. What I’m excited about
Designing a house plan and getting closer to identifying where to build! Even though it feels a little overwhelming at times I'm very grateful and blessed to be going through this process. I'm excited to see how God is going to work it all out as we walk this out.
8. What I’m watching/reading
I just finished The Hiding Place by Corrie Ten Boom. Amazing book. I need to find a good one to start next now. Not really watching anything in particular. Lots of Fixer Upper and HGTV when I can. :)
9. What I’m listening to
9. What I’m listening to
I've been listening to a lot of streaming music at work with my earbuds since moving into a shared cubicle office type space. It helps to create my own little world some days. Sometimes it's worship, sometimes TobyMac or Michael Buble, it all just depends on the day.
10. What I’m wearing
Still wearing layers, but more short sleeves recently which is awesome.
11. What I’m doing this weekend
Traveling to meet some out of town family half-way between their town and ours to do a very belated Christmas gathering.
12. What I’m looking forward to next month
More spring weather, lots of events for colon cancer awareness month and our annual 5K fundraiser. It's going to be a busy month but it is always lots of fun too.
13. What else is new
We got new boots to go hiking through our property so now we can go through the creeks and my whole lower leg is covered by boot which makes me much more comfortable all around. :) That has opened up more options for outdoor exploring. There's really not that much new right now. Bonus question: What is your "can't live without" beauty product? That would probably be moisturizer, my skin gets really dry after showering or washing my face. I love the feeling of putting a good moisturizer on after my shower. My personal favorite is Clinique. I use the plain yellow, been around forever moisturizer at night, but I love a great sunblock so having a moisturizer with SPF is always a favorite of mine too. I've been using their tinted moisturizer with SPF for a while now during the day, but just found out it's being discontinued (boo!) so I guess I'll be finding a new one.
That's all for me today. Hope everyone has a wonderful Wednesday!