Thursday, May 18, 2017

Thankful Thursday 5/18/17

Today I'm doing another Thankful Friday post but it's Thankful Thursday instead. Makes perfect sense right!? 

This week I'm thankful for:

1. My sweet husband. I'm always thankful for him but today I wanted to give a special mention. :)

2. I've been able to squeeze in some runs this week and the weather has been very nice, especially in the mornings for a good run.

3. Freezers. Yes, freezers. They allow me to make one trip to the grocery store and buy chicken and beef in bulk to last for at least a couple of weeks. I can refrigerate what we'll use the week I buy it and then freeze the rest. All we have to do is thaw and prepare. They are also great if I could ever get around to all that freezer cooking I keep telling myself I need to do. And let's not forget the ice cream. They hold ice cream. That is enough in itself to be thankful for. 

4. Fresh fruits and veggies! I'm excited about spring and summer time and farmer's markets.

5. God's protection over me, especially since I've had several close calls with extremely dumb drivers. We're talking like they'd probably be in jail or at least had a ticket for reckless driving if a policeman had been nearby

6. Vacations. They are so important to take time away to spend with loved ones, recharge and remember what's important. I'm looking forward to getting one planned soon. 

What about you? What are you thankful for today? 

Happy Friday Eve!

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