Today it is time for What's Up Wednesday with Mix and Match Mama, The Larson Lingo and Sheaffer Told Me To. Thanks ladies for hosting a fun link up!
1. What we’re eating this week
Monday night was baked chicken, brussel sprouts with pecans and cranberries (recipe post may be coming soon) and sweet potatoes. Last night was BBQ meatballs, couscous and veggies. Honestly I don't know what we'll do most of the week. Thursday of course is Thanksgiving so we'll be eating way too much with both sides of the family all day long. I imagine Friday will be leftovers.
2. What I’m reminiscing about
It's getting close to our anniversary so I'm reminiscing about the days leading up to our wedding. Fall engagement parties, engagement pictures, last minute planning. Sweet times.
It's getting close to our anniversary so I'm reminiscing about the days leading up to our wedding. Fall engagement parties, engagement pictures, last minute planning. Sweet times.
3. What I’m loving
The holidays! Christmas movies on Hallmark Channel, which I finally get at home this year. Lots of baking and cooking. Family gatherings. Christmas music. This is my favorite time of the year.
The holidays! Christmas movies on Hallmark Channel, which I finally get at home this year. Lots of baking and cooking. Family gatherings. Christmas music. This is my favorite time of the year.
4. What we’ve been up to
Trying to stay warm! We seem to have skipped right over fall and gone straight from summer to winter, which isn't unusual around here. Getting ready for Thanksgiving, making doctor's appointments that we need to get done before the end of the year, figuring out Christmas shopping lists, plus all the usual stuff.
Trying to stay warm! We seem to have skipped right over fall and gone straight from summer to winter, which isn't unusual around here. Getting ready for Thanksgiving, making doctor's appointments that we need to get done before the end of the year, figuring out Christmas shopping lists, plus all the usual stuff.
5. What I’m dreading
Tackling all my Christmas shopping. Dread is a strong word though. I love giving gifts that people want and/or need, but figuring out what that is and then finding it can be less than fun sometimes. Praying for some direction HA! I love it when it's all done though.
6. What I’m working on
Decorating for the holidays, shopping, cooking, baking.7. What I’m excited about
Thanksgiving!! It's one of my favorite holidays of the year. A time to spend with family being thankful, relaxing and eating way too much good food.
8. What I’m watching/reading
Still lots of football. Plus I picked up (finally) NCIS season 13 so we can finish watching it. I have a feeling we'll be binge watching the next few days. :)
9. What I’m listening to
9. What I’m listening to
I'm letting the Christmas music in finally. It's getting close enough to Thanksgiving that I will allow it. Not 24/7 but a little here and there.
10. What I’m wearing
Layers. Lots and lots of layers. Monday and Tuesday this week I've had three plus a scarf. Of course I had to shed them all once I reached my office. The rest of the week is vacation and holiday time so who knows what I'll be wearing, right now it's sweatshirt and fuzzy pajama pants, but likely sweaters and boots for family gatherings on Thursday.
11. What I’m doing this weekend
I'm not really sure. Definitely watching the Iron Bowl but I don't know where yet. Also probably doing some Christmas decorating around the house.
12. What I’m looking forward to next month
I love December. It's full of yummy food, Christmas music, Christmas movies, events, parties, family get together, giving gifts, time off. What's not to look forward to!
13. What else is new
Not a whole lotBonus question: What is your favorite Thanksgiving tradition?
Thanksgivings have changed over the years as our families have changed, but I think just getting together with my family for dinner and everything that goes along with that is always special and my favorite part of the holiday.
Hope everyone has a wonderful and blessed Thanksgiving!
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