Monday, July 3, 2017

Granny's Carrot Cake

For one of our many recent birthday parties my mom asked me if I would make a carrot cake. One of the birthday people is not eating chocolate right now and they both really like carrot cake so it seemed like the perfect choice.

In my family I am known as the only one who can make my grandmother's carrot cake successfully. My mom and sister have both tried and their cakes have either exploded or imploded. I'm not sure exactly how or why but if someone wants a carrot cake, they ask me to make it.

It's really a simple recipe though so they both want to try it again and you should try it too!

First I greased two 9" round cake pans.

Then I cut wax paper to line the bottom of each one. Greasing the pan first caused it to adhere very easily to the bottom of the pan. 

 Then I greased and floured the bottom (which was now covered in wax paper) and the sides of each pan.  

After that it was time to make the batter.

Divide the batter evenly between the two pans.

Remove from oven and let cool on wire rack in pan. 

Then invert the cake to remove from pan and gently remove the wax paper. Then I turned them right side up again to finish cooling.

After cooling completely I then put my cakes in the freezer for about a half an hour to make frosting them easier and reduce the crumbs. I mixed up the frosting while they were chilling.

Once I was ready to frost I used two pieces of wax paper placed underneath the bottom layer on the cake plate while frosting. Then once you are done, you just gently pull out those pieces and you have a nice clean cake plate!

First frost the top and sides of bottom layer followed by top and sides of top layer. 

Store in fridge after frosting but pull it out to come to room temperature prior to serving. Or eat it cold if that's your thing!

 Once it was done I decorated it with some store bought candy and candles since it was for a birthday celebration. As you can see one of our honorees was turning 40, but I won't tell which one it was. :)

Oh so yummy!

2 cups sifted all purpose flour
2 tsp baking soda
2 tsp cinnamon
1/2 tsp salt
2 cups sugar
1 1/2 cups oil (Granny's recipe specifically says Wesson which makes me smile, I use whatever I have)
4 eggs
2 cups grated carrots

For icing:
1 stick butter
8 oz cream cheese, very softened
1 box confectioners sugar
2 tsp vanilla extract
1 cup broken nuts (optional)

Grease and flour two round 8 or 9" cake pans
Line bottom of pans with wax paper
Grease and flour the now wax paper lined cake pans
Mix first 5 ingredients together
Add oil
Add eggs one at a time
Beat well
Fold in grated carrots, mix well
Divide batter evenly between pans, smooth tops with spatula if desired
Bake at 350 for 30-35 minutes or until toothpick inserted in center comes out clean
Remove from oven and cool on wire rack

Directions for frosting
Cream together cream cheese and butter

Mix in confectioners sugar a little at a time being careful to not send white poufs of sugar all over your kitchen. Not that I've ever done that or anything

Mix in vanilla

Fold in nuts if desired

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